This is how I skyrocketed my career

Imagine you could go back in time and chat with your younger self. What would you tell that kid? Here’s what I’d say to the 12-year-old me, all eager and not knowing what’s ahead in the world of magic and shows.

First up, I’d say, “Hey, start charging more for your magic tricks, sooner. Don’t stick to small money for too long.” Knowing what you’re worth and asking for it makes a big difference. It could’ve saved me a bunch of time and got me to the big leagues faster.

Then, I’d push myself to go after the big stage shows early on. That’s where the real action is—big crowds, big money. It’s also how you get famous quick and keep your act feeling special.

I’d make sure to tell little me about the power of the internet too. “Get big on social media,” I’d say. Places like YouTube and TikTok aren’t just for laughs—they’re where you show the world what you’ve got. Having lots of followers makes people take you seriously, and that’s gold.

Also, I’d warn myself about dropping prices too fast. When you’re one of the priciest magicians out there, people notice you. They might ask for a cheaper deal, but stick to your guns unless cutting the price will really pay off later with more gigs.

And about the other magicians and performers, I’d say, “Don’t sweat the competition. Do your own thing. Be grateful for what you can do and keep your eyes on your own path.”

Looking back, I wish I’d jumped all over YouTube when it was just starting. Didn’t realize how big it would get. But hey, I’m doing alright with TikTok now, nearly a million followers and all!

And there’s one more thing. I used to worry too much about what others thought. I’d tell young me, “Forget about people’s opinions and the competition. Don’t let doubts stop you. Dive into what you love and don’t look back.”

There was this night not long ago when I was flipping through old photo albums. Found a snap from my first big magic show at school. I remember being so nervous and messing up a little. But now, I see those slips were just part of the journey. I’d tell that young magician to keep at it, that every little stumble was setting him up for bigger things.

So, what about you? If you could chat with your younger self, what would you say? How can those old lessons help you today? Let’s hear it. Share your stories and let’s talk about how those early days shaped who we are now.

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