My Journey from Child’s Play to Master Illusionist

Every go-getter has that defining moment of inspiration, a flash of clarity when they first witness the greatness that fires their passion. For some, it’s an athlete in full sprint, a musician hitting that perfect note, or an artist’s brushstroke that says everything. For me, it was magic! 

My First Taste of Magic

At eight years old, my ordinary birthday party became extraordinary in an instant: David Copperfield, the king of illusion, on the TV screen. Although I couldn’t hear his voice because I was watching from another room, his performance was all I needed to get hooked; I was in a trance! 

The next day, bursting with curiosity, I hounded my mom with questions. Apparently, my grandfather had a collection of Copperfield’s performances on tape. For hours, I absorbed his magic, from levitating bodies to vanishing jets, and even picked up a deck of cards to copy Copperfield’s quick-moving hands. The songs of Phil Collins, George Michael and Peter Gabriel filled our home as I started practicing pairing my tricks with music, just like Copperfield did!

An Obsession is Born!

My passion didn’t go unnoticed. Thanks to my aunt, I received my first magic kit: four little red balls that played a game of now-you-see-them, now-you-don’t in my hands. And after countless tries, I finally nailed my nimble fancy fingers. What came next was fate! 

I soon learned that the largest magic shop in the Netherlands, Jan Monnikendam, was just a stone’s throw away from my home in Haarlem! You can imagine my excitement when my grandfather, a card trickster himself, took me there to share his passion.

The Rabbit Hole Awaits: The Wonderland of Jan Monnikendam

It was a moment of absolute wonder—my first visit to Jan Monnikendam—a feeling familiar to every magician. Hidden behind its “secret” door was a magician’s paradise, a place filled with tricks, books, props and the lore of the Greats. 

The store’s in-house magician showed off some beginner tricks, and my grandfather nurtured my newfound love by buying me the kits for them! He even taught me how to count cards and false shuffle. Cleverly, my grandpa saw an opportunity: for every good grade I got in school, I’d get a new magic kit—a genius incentive! 

So for the next few years, I kept practicing and my collection of tricks grew bigger and bigger. My bedroom became a small museum of magic, plastered with posters of my hero, David Copperfield.

The Making of a Mini Magician: Age 10-15

Between the ages of 10 and 15, I started performing at local events—a way to earn pocket money to reinvest in my craft. Soon enough, my vacations in Spain weren’t just family trips; they were opportunities to showcase my talent at hotel talent shows! The more money I made, the more I invested in new tricks and magic books to become better. 

Learning to Charm Girls: Age 16-18

Once I hit 16, the thrill of nightlife and new friends was calling! It was through magic that I found the confidence to make this leap, especially when it came to charming girls. Even my friends were jealous of my lady-luring talents! 

Magic soon became my go-to icebreaker, my tool for captivating attention in a crowd or meeting new people. One coin trick, in particular, never failed to leave an impression. I’d make a coin disappear and reappear under a girl’s watch. Then, to fuel more excitement, I’d make her watch disappear too, hehe! This always shocked the girl and her circle of friends. Next, I’d promise to make her watch reappear in 10 minutes—a guarantee she’d stick around! This bought me precious minutes of conversion with her.

Here I learned that the more you practice interacting with people, especially in live situations, the better you get at speaking to groups. Plus, naturally, you start losing any stage fright. I also realized that magic is the perfect attention-grabber when people go out, because they’re looking for fun and entertainment—not boring small talk with strangers! So I found that by bringing some cool magic tricks, I could create memorable moments with all kinds of people. And besides, almost everyone loves magic (when it’s done well *wink*).

During these years, I performed tricks in nightlife settings, clubs, festivals and vacations. I wanted to take advantage of any opportunity to approach people out of the blue!

The Balancing Adulting: Age 18-25

By now, magic was no longer just a pastime—it was my identity! But alongside my acts, I juggled an office job four days a week. One word for this: insane! I’d be working until 5 PM and then head straight to a show, only to repeat the cycle the next day. 

At this point, I was performing about 70 shows a year: close-up magic at weddings, family parties, children’s events and street festivals. Occasionally, I’d also do corporate events, but not as much. Weekends became a much-needed blessing to unwind and part hard with friends.

A Shuffle of Priorities: Choosing the Path of Magic, Age 26-40

My turning point came at 26: I had to choose my path. Would it be my stable day job or the unpredictable yet thrilling life of a magician? With zero doubt, I took the risk, bold with the full support of friends and family. That year, I doubled my bookings!

I also increased my prices because I believed in my worth. Plus, without a manager, I alone was handling all my phone calls, sales pitches, administrative tasks, promotions and marketing. And to save even more money, I taught myself some tech skills: Photoshop, video editing, social media management and web design. My advice to fellow young magicians is to learn everything you can to enhance your success. Surround yourself with people who are thriving in business—they’re your inspiration!

With more savings in my pocket, I started traveling a lot. Whenever possible, I’d hop on a plane, taking my magic tricks along for each trip: Portugal, Spain, Iceland, Brazil, Colombia, South Africa, the UK, Germany, Belgium, France, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy, and the USA. And keep in mind that magic, being a universal language, let me connect with people from diverse backgrounds.

Over those15 years, my craft evolved. I added pickpocketing, mentalism and hypnosis to my skillset, which opened the door to even more complex and captivating performances. My client list expanded to include some of the world’s most iconic companies, and I landed the chance to star in my own TV program in the Netherlands! Eventually, my focus shifted from private to corporate events, letting me perform for audiences of up to thousands! 

My road from a child in awe of a magician on TV to becoming a renowned performer has been incredible. As cliche as this sounds, never underhype the power of positive thinking! Having the courage to follow your passion is your most precious asset—never doubt that!

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